How to build libproj for the iPhone OS

libproj is a popular library for open source GIS applications.
In the following, I will mention how to build PROJ.4.7.0 for the iPhone OS.

1. Execute ./configure on Mac command line

2. Import src directory to your iPhone Project. iPhone App cannot use dynamic link.

3. Copy epsj file in nad directory to the root of your iPhone Project.

3. Delete utility programs. (proj.c, cs2cs.c, nad2nad.c, nad2bin.c, geod.c)

4. Replace and in include sentence with "projects.h" and to "proj_api.h" respectively.

5. Modify pj_open_lib function in pj_open_lib.c file.
You need to modify to read epsj file with the iPhone OS manner.

You can download quick hacked pj_open_lib.c in the following URL.